The SAHAYA is a non-profitable society with a mission to impact the lives of less privileged children, enabling them to maximize their potential and change their lives. Sahaya works primarily in the field of education.
For each children:
“Our dream is that one day all children will get a chance to do something good
for themselves and for their own country.”
“Our dream is that one day all children will get a chance to do something good
for themselves and for their own country.”
Sahaya aspires to provide each child with:
A strong educational foundation in English,Maths and basic computer knowledge. A good time where children learn with joy. Tools that they can use to create a future livelihood for themselves and prepare them for life. Sahaya encourages children to dream but more importantly, aspires to empower them to deliver on their dreams. Many children get into their father's shoes very early. Let us all collectively try to make their future a brighter by providing resources to them.
Sahaya encourages children to dream but more importantly, aspires to empower them to achieve their dreams.
Sahaya Undertakes below activites
General Awareness
Science and fair
Sahaya Art world
Sahaya Sports
Personality Development
General Awareness
This program aims to first instruct students on aspects of health and hygiene, sanitation, nutrition and disease education. It then moves on to cover environmental hygiene, first aid and basic illnesses, accidents, and drugs and alcohol.
We also give them career guidance which involves in let know what course to join after their 10 class and suggest them the best career in the field they are interested in. We also teach them to maintain a good deeds diary.
The good deeds diary is a pocket- sized diary where children are encouraged to write down or draw good deeds that they do.Volunteers do a session in class every week where children share the good deeds that they have done.
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Science and fair
Science and fair is the upcoming event wherein students of 8th, 9th and 10th will do experiments and execute them to the students and teachers who visit from various schools.
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Sahaya Art world
Art for Sahaya aims at developing observation, perception and creative potential through an art curriculum that includes the basics of drawing, painting, traditional Indian art forms and craft activities. At Art Class, groups of children meet in a fun and laughter-filled environment to produce artwork for handmade greeting cards, bags, paintings, and other items.
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Sahaya Sports
Sahaya sports teach them not only various games however, we teach them about team work, challenging and achiving the goals in stratagic way.
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Personality Development
Here we try to empower these children with English and other necessary life skills to help them succeed in life and harness their true potential.
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Cultural Activities plays a vital role in the preservation, promotion and dissemination of artand culture. The aim is to develop ways and means by which the basic cultural and aesthetic values and perceptions remain active and dynamic among the children.
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