Sahaya celebrates its first anniversary on 18th March at "Shivananda rehabilitation orphan home for children" . Sahaya team visited the orphan home at around 5.30pm.
We first entered a corridor termed as 'Study place'. There were around 30 students and nearly 3 volunteer members.
Going ahead, one of our team member introduced about Sahaya Society.
Then one of the students in that school introduced her self as a singer and started singing some slokas following her all the remaining children have joined her. We were amazed with their co-ordination between them. After that we distributed fruits orange & bananas which we brought with us to all the 30 students. We started interacting with them like knowing their interests and talking about their spare time activities. In a mean while one of the kid named srikanth, showed us his collection of drawings, following him even some more kids started showing their drawings. Our turn was only being amazed by looking at those kids drawings. They were so cute and very nice.
One of the girl shouted "Shafi bhayya can you dance for us ! Plz." then the other girl started playing a song from the audio set which they use for recreation in spare time. then every one got up and started dancing and at same time some of the kids were showing us their magic tricks to us, which were very funny. By then it was 7.00pm and it was too late and we were supposed to up our session since this is exams time. Kids gave us a warm send off " Bhayya bye..! keep visiting us..!" and we have promissed them that we will be back soon with lot of fun activites including with carrier guidance and also promissed visiting them that reguraly after their exams.
We waved them bye and this celebration with orphan children will be the memorable day for sahaya members.