SAHAYA decided to celebrate Republic Day with the kids.we started off with the competition by around 22nd of this month. Done with various competition's .Sreeram, me Dharani,Raj and almost all the volunteers joined us well ahead before sports fest started to plan and implement.
Controlling a bunch of hyper-excited kids is not so easy but it is my baae haath ka khel
We viewed some really amazing Players and perfect team play. The competition was just a spoof and in the end, everyone deserved the appriciation for the efforts they put in. We even had Quiz competition in one or other schools. Organizing competition was simply
Awesomeness 1.0.
There were many spot games conducted and found kids enjoyed a lot.... more than them volunteers enjoyed organizing those games...
This time
Sahaya covered all the schools for these competitions, We core team members splits(interms of work ;-) ) and with the help of volunteers we successfully conducted the events...The dedication of our volunteers is invaluable, the sun is burning out all the day but they never drop their energy levels till the end of the day..
Volunteer's did very well to conduct different games to kids, Probably these are the standout batch of the day , coz they are out in the sun through out the day.
There are many Dramatic change on the days of the play... with each and every volunteer' s support we have done every thing well..
Somewhere in my mind all these techies are capable of conducting sports competition? or not?
Yeah we got the answer
They proved us wrong coz we conducted "lemon and spoon" to our volunteers
all did well and at last there is only one winner i.e.,
"Navya" tough fight with our sports co-Ordinator(which he drops his spoon in the last moment)
Players: Volunteers and core team.
Refree :
(these guys made us video and photographer as well)
Winner :
Huh we are done with sports fest and ow its time for republic day celebrations...
“Event won’t be a event without any presents.” On the day 26th Jan '10 we as group of members went to various schools of SAHAYA by 8.00am... with mostly every one in white costumes....:-)
Now its presentation time...
Last but not the least I would sincerely like to thank each and every volunteer, and even off site contributes for the generous contributions that they have made for the Republic Day event.
It is here that invaluable contributions we got, played a very important role in encouraging the children to perform better. Thanks to contributions, we provided accessories required by them or just incentives. our patrons also help our organization progress in touching more lives of the students in giving them a more fruitful and successful life.
These small incentives help reduce dropouts and increase the number of children having a better future ahead. It is every ones generous contribution that helps us increase the number of such activities and make it successful. With our help we can reach out to many more needy children and hence build a better future for the future generation of India.