November To Remember

Half term is here – and we’ve rounded up some lovely creative competitions to keep the kids entertained this children's day!

Many children in schools do art, illustrations, posters and stick them on the walls of their class rooms. They often choose a different felt pen colour for every stroke, and emboss each page with a border of stickers.

We thought why don't we hold this contest to give an opportunity for children of the future generation to become more aware of their global environment through drawing pictures.

The competition is for 6th to 9th standard kids and they can draw a story about ANYTHING THEY LIKE.

Full of imagination and artistic sensitivity, children will drew pictures about nature and animals, their families and the surrounding area. The pictures also contain the message towards global environment, beyond borders and difference in their background cultures and languages.

As the organizer, we hope that this contest provides the children an opportunity to think about the global environment, by expressing their inspiration from nature's bounty.
Come join us to volunteer and witness the Artists of the future.

Phani Samudrala: 09160049332
Subramanya Aditya: 09014088995
