I started my journey with Sahaya almost a year ago, my first session with 8th EM in ZPHS, Kukatpally.
Impressed by the dedication of the core team, I decided never to leave Sahaya deciding that I have to reach the same level in organizing sessions.
Few sessions in, I have heard about all the activities conducted by sahaya for children like Swecha for Republic Day and Independence Day which motivated me to involve and take part in it. All this time I was wondering "Where would I even take them to create a meaningful learning experience?” Then I heard about Field Trip which will help students to visit Engineering colleges and how it will help students for their future.
As soon as Eshwar anna and phani anna asked me to take permission from my college, I was so happy to take students to my college to show all the labs and projects done by my juniors. The plan was given by master planner Phani anna. As soon as I discussed with my Principal, she provided the necessary permissions for the field trip.

I'll never forget the students' faces as they were demonstrated about the IOT projects done by us and visiting our labs. Needless to say, wherever they went the students had a memorable experience and learned new concepts. Travelling with students made me to learn new things how a child's mind is, the way they think and relate everything to their day to day life.
This would not have been successful without the help of my college management; our faculty took interest in motivating children too, and especially my beloved faculty from BVRITH Mr.Priyakanth who explained them what is “engineering” and how to make their aim and goals successful in life.
I felt that the task of selecting and planning a field trip may not be as daunting as everyone thinks. This is what Sahaya has always done. Apart from their day to day life they give time for children to be clear enough about their future and educate them. I thank Sahaya for making me as one of the members too and giving me this golden opportunity for organizing the trip. I could definitely say that I am proud to be a part of it in building students for their better future. The field trips Sahaya are organizing are the best way to guide students about their future.
Finally, I thank each and every one who was the part of this successful event to make a bigger one and hope to continue this for years!!!!