We believe the great way of learning the situation is intricately depending on the best way of experiencing the very same situation. Every session in Sahaya has its own significance in extending and strengthening the knowledge and wisdom from session to session. Similar kind of experience has been taken place with few students on our last session at ZPHS Kukatpally. As we all know, we have established a library at ZPHS Kukatpally as a Children’s Day gift to the said school. Now the greatest challenge is to run the library without any imaginary hurdles or virtual boundaries on the utilization of the Library books which it is meant for!
Yes, there is a solution and we found it from our concept titled “My Library”. Most of the students are very enthusiastic in taking up challenges; few may feel they’re the “LEADERS FOR BETTER INDIA”. Though the concept of picking up the students was not up to the standards but still it is good enough because they came on their own interest. At the initial stages of the Sahaya, we “Core Team” work as Volunteers later with that experience turned into Organizers. This transformation was not happened in a single night, it takes 3 long years to learn the pros and cons of organizing an event. Now, we believe the transformations will come by assigning tasks and responsibilities to the students in the school level itself which in turn gives the good and responsible citizens to the society. From here, there are no more assumptions, we are on action to build and give the good society to the coming generations where the society itself is free from all evils. Our focus to assign a task to a particular student as follow..
1. The selected student should be able to maintain confidentiality and that he/she is should be further capable of soliciting advice from wise and knowledgeable people for appropriate allocation of the work.
2. Specific mention is also made regarding library administration, stating that preference is to be given to the student who is capable of maintaining discipline through regular contact with other students.
3. To impart leadership qualities that pave the way for success through task management and student management.
4. There is always kind attention and bold focus on the special students through register entry in library, personal assessment and so on.
In very near future we can see LEADERS dealing with task management and student management, where they can able to initiating the task and also capable in multi-task management by finding ways and means, ultimately with well-chosen expressions. Equal emphasis is also laid on stressing the need for self-reliance and absence of despondency, with the virtues of endurance and humility which eventually lead to prosperity of their own and others too.
Hoping for the Best...
Sreeram B
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