I teach because I learn.

On a rather dull Saturday, some time in 2008, I woke up at 10:00 A.M in the morning to find couple of missed calls from an unknown number. Being the curious myself, I called the number back to find who it was, someone from an NGO called me up to visit their school.

I was planning to go to a movie that day, promising my friends that I will be back in 2 hours, went to the school. As Steve Jobs said, you can only connect the dots backward - perhaps missing that movie was the best decision in my life. Six years and counting, Sahaya has become a part of my life. Without humbly bragging about my achievements and other nonsense I will write why I love to teach at Sahaya !!!


On the first day of Sahaya, I would have never imagined that I will be writing this post.

I learnt how to take photos: I will never call myself a photographer but to create better memories of our efforts, achievements and appreciate fellow volunteers, somebody has to do it. (Un) Fortunately, I got this chance.
Who is doing this better now: Akhilesh Marathi

I learnt to listen: Whenever we ask volunteers to give some ideas, we get a lot of them - A LOT. Patiently listening to all our volunteers and give feedback to them requires good listening skills. Being the bad listener I am, I took almost four years to learn this skill.
Who always does this better: Eshwar Babu

I learnt how to be a team-player: We all love to be individuals, but sometimes it requires a collective effort to make things happen. The greatest example in Sahaya is setting up our first library. Everyone contributed, everyone helped, everyone succeeded.
Who always does this better: Every volunteer in Sahaya

I learnt how to communicate: Yes, I am a poor communicator even now, but I am far better after Sahaya. Talking to people, expressing your ideas, giving feedback require tremendous communication skills. Sahaya is the place where I learnt this.
Who always does this better: Divya Panjala

I(we) learnt to make things happen: Field trip - never done, Science Fair - never done, setting up a library - never done, using khan academy in classes - never done....All these were before Sahaya, we are making all these things happen. And of course, the satisfaction is immense.
Who always does this better: Sahaya

I learnt to make friends:  Sreeram, Srikanth, Dharani, Eshwar, Divya, Phani, pilla Sreeraam, Srinath, Anirudh - if I continue, this list will go on for pages together. Both on and off Sahaya, people who I have met in Sahaya have become "friends forever."

I learnt to learn: All those questions that kids asked, all those issues that we have to resolve, all those initiatives that we have to take - everyday that I am part of Sahaya, I learn something new, something that makes me better than yesterday.

"I teach because I learn and there is no better way."

Seven Years - And Counting!

Each year Awesome volunteers, supporters and dreams alike people, come together to share with us their passion towards Sahaya, unveiling the key to Organization success. always creative; always brave.

Most exciting day with some of the influential leadership team and volunteers, who inspire, teach, and guide us as we face the many challenges and opportunities which lie ahead in the future, in an event that gathered volunteers from all our schools.

A feeling of quality of our work is the amount of time we are willing to expend on it but also the fact that we are willing to take chances while doing it

Our mission is to discover, recognize, and promote the sparkling stars and effort of volunteers who create unique experiences that are useful, innovative, intuitive, and inspiring. This year we've gladly given this recognition to:

Best Volunteer Male 
Best Volunteer Female 
Best Emerging Volunteer - Male 
Kranti Rekha
Best Emerging Volunteer - Female 
Best Facebook Group Post 
Ravali Dara
Best Blog post 
Vinod Bala
Best Idea 
Aishwarya and Team
Best Team 
Nova Prabhu
Best Attire - Male 
Best Attire - Female 

Thank you Eshwar, Divya, Subhramanyam Aditya and Akhil, without your energy, knowledge and enthusiasm none of this would have been possible. Thanks!
