Steady Persevarance

The Clock is ticking towards fifth anniversary celebrations with mixed emotions by having more and more upfront challenges. However I feel embraced whenever there is an opportunity to meet all the volunteers at one place by holding all my memories together at a time. 

Having been close to fifth anniversary celebrations, when I look back into the past, the responsibilities have grown twofold which are directly proportional to the benefit of each child. But this wondrous fraternity is building up with strong potpourri of experiences which can beholden on the deeds that we've gained over the last five years.

On one hand, I have felt time is passing like a photon while we constantly working towards more milestones in our Organization space. On the other, I feel it has been ages since we started SAHAYA because of the bonding we share with every patron especially with the children.

I do want to profusely thank all the volunteers where I feel that I am working with the bunch of best people I have ever worked with. Personally I would owe a lot to all the things that I had directly and indirectly learning from them.

My Core Team mates at SAHAYA, who are also a great bunch of Tutors and at the same time friends to me, irrespective of Age and location - Certainly they will continue to stay at the peaks in all seasons for all reasons. Rapturously I can say that with all your presence, my work at SAHAYA has been personally the most enriching one, sometimes on professional grounds too.

And thanks for being so patient with me and standing all the tantrums that I caused inadvertently(if any)in this long journey.

With Profound Regards
Sreeram Bh


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