Say no to child labour....

World day Againest Child Labour June 12, 2010

June 12Today the world is going to observe Anti-Child Labour Day, but for thousands of children here, the day has no meaning at all. These children would be toiling throughout the day in various business establishments and some would also be engaged in hazardous jobs. Deprived of childhood, sitting in a class is
still a distant dream for them.

Slumdogs of India.
Do you know that India has the largest number of child labourers under the age of 14 in the world? An estimated 12.6 million children are engaged in hazardous occupations.

*Child labour is not working.
Children are not a short-term resource for immediate economic relief or source of income and their education
is an investment in their country's and famaly's future
Stop it.

What can we do... If I come across Child Labour... I can...
If you come across Child Labour... You can....

Take some steps »
1. As per the law, having a child under 14 work in the domestic labour sector, hotel industry and in any kind of hazardous factory or industrial work, is illegal and employers are liable to be jailed/fined for committing this 
offence. The child may be taken to a home of some kind and kept there till a guarantee (and Rs 3000) is given to ensure that the child will not go back to work.

2. In the case of domestic labour, or working at a construction site etc, one needs to find out from the mother/father if this is a temporary arrangement 
(eg. if the child is on vacation and there is no safe place to leave her/him so s/he brings the child to work) or if s/he is against sending the child to school (if so, why), or if sh/e wants the child to work (if so, why)

3. If the arrangement is temporary, it is best to ensure that the child does not work in the homes or sites where he accompanies the parent and that the child is safe and secure, since obviously that is the primary concern.

4. If the child and the adult are both reluctant to go to school, you may need to coax, share information, accompany the parent and child to the local school and help get the child enrolled. Do share with the parent the many benefits that children get when they go to school - mid day meal, free books etc

5. If the parent wants the child to work for economic reasons it is imperative that you share that this is an illegal practice and also share the way the Child Labour task force works. It may help to ensure that the adult in the family has some employment.

• You can meet 
Concerned authorities regularly to impact rehabilitation measures for child labour.

The departments linked to the issue of Child Labour and Rehabilitation of Child Labour are:

Department of Education
Department of Health
Women and Child Welfare Department
Labour Department
The Corporator, Ward Officer, Mayor and local MLA and MP are also officials you can interact with to find out the government's plans with regard to Child Labour and the rehabilitation of children who are currently Child Labour.

To know more about the role of the government vis Child Labour you can visit 

 • You can research 
And study schemes and issues connected to the issue of Child Labour. 
Read and Understand Schemes that enable children and their families to access their Rights. 
To begin with here are four schemes that directly impact children’s right to education, health, and against exploitation:

1. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
2. Mid Day Meal
3. Integrated Child Development Scheme
4. Child Labour – Regulation and Prevention- Act

Do share your learnings and perceptions with us! 
• You can interact with families of child labourers to know their problems, inform them about various schemes implemented by government for the privileged and persuade them to send their children to school.

Format/guidelines for Case Study
1. Personal Details
Age/ Date of Birth:
2. Family Background
How long has the family lived here?
Have they migrated from elsewhere? If so, why and from where?
3. Present situation
- Issues/problems - Primary
- Secondary
4. Reasons for the problems 
(put down your own perceptions as well as those of the person you are speaking with)
5. How are the government/ respective authorities tackling the issue? 
- Who are involved: directly –indirectly (stakeholder analysis) 
- Different mechanisms


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