As there will be a lot of things involved to call an event or a plan to be a success, SWECHA 2K14 event too involved a lot more things to call it a great success.
To let everyone know about this success story, I would start with the planning of this event that started many days prior to the decided date. Firstly, a great work done by the core team to list out the events that can be conducted to the students, which would enlighten their talent of applying their knowledge and sharpen their skills to come out with a solution for a given problem and then finalizing the events to be conducted by taking all the volunteers' views into account.
For any event to be executed in a perfect manner, we need volunteers... considering this point to be the most important, the idea of turning up the volunteers to the event, along their friends has justified the cause at its best. As far as I know, the number of volunteers that turned for this event was really immense and made the task easier to execute.
Then on the most awaited day, Aug. 2nd… in the morning, with all the volunteers... senior volunteers with the experience of being a part of such events earlier, planning to make it even more effective and the new volunteers, with the excitement to do the things in a proper way and to experience the warm welcome of the students with their innocent and pure smiles posing a question.. "What's new to learn today?"… All the Sahayans, determined to transform the day into an another memorable page in Sahaya's diary gathered.... then the senior volunteers not only trying to inculcate their tradition of handling things in such events to the new volunteers but also giving them the freedom of making the day even more special by performing the things in a better way with their own ideas. All the volunteers, having a clear picture of the works to be done in the given time, got dispersed to the respective classes.

Then there starts the day... the interaction with the students who would come to us with a lot of queries in their minds, the moment they know about the events to be conducted on that day...some students anxious to show their skill, some students doubtful about their performance and some with excuses... by convincing all the students that this day is one of the special day that gives them a chance to shine up with their talents, to know the way to pen down the things they already learnt and their ability to answer a question by giving it a thought.With a lot number of doubts from the students and equal number of explanations by the volunteers, we ended up the execution of the tasks and gathered for a meet... there the core team members addressed all the experiences of both senior and new volunteers, giving an appreciable invitation to all the new ideas from the volunteers and a detailed discussion about the performance of the students in the events, we called it a day.

The action is done and to check the reaction or in other words to know result of the creative planning and the perfect execution, we need to go through the performance of the students in the events, after finishing this, there comes a need to appreciate the best performers with some prizes and for this we saved the date as Aug. 15, Independence day. On that day, with all the volunteers present there, saluting our national flag and witnessing the celebrations in the school, followed by the prize distributions by the senior volunteers to the students, who made their mark in the events with the best performance. It was the day which not only let us to celebrate the joy of making the SWECHA event a success, but also a day which reminded our school days, where we found everyone in white uniform representing a special day, the days when we eagerly waited for our turn to deliver that 10 times by-hearted speech in front of the huge crowd...
We were done with the celebration in the school and gathered for a meet where in there was a discussion about the upcoming sessions to be held, the new ideas that can be implemented, a brief explanation about the events conducted in Sahaya in the past and their impact on the students, different views of the volunteers about the events… and a very special moment where probably for the first time, a volunteer surprised the Sahaya team with her special appreciation... an album which described about Sahaya… then we ended up it with a brief idea to handle the next session...
Then in the very next session, as usual I was welcomed with a lots of smiling faces which in turn carried an expression of asking "What's the new thing that you teach us today?"… I was overwhelmed with their response and satisfaction about Swecha event... a boy came to me saying excitedly, that he secured a first prize from his section and I could clearly find a confident and happy feeling on his face for the achievement. When they came to know about the plan for the day to discuss the question paper, I could find most of the students being very active and desperate to reveal that their answers were correct. I felt so happy to know that most of the students were able to remember the things they learnt in previous sessions and were able to recollect them very easily. The appetite of students to learn new things and their ability to grasp the new things which were taught to them, raised the spirit in me that I must come up with even more creative ways to provide them with all necessary knowledge.
I conclude my post by conveying my gratitude to the Sahaya team, especially the person who introduced me to Sahaya and all the people who inspired me to be a part of such a great organisation. Being a part of Sahaya, I would definitely try my level best to do my bit for the sign of improvement in the students.