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The SAHAYA is a non-profitable society with a mission to impact the lives of less privileged children, enabling them to maximize their potential and change their lives. Sahaya works primarily in the field of education.
For each children:“Our dream is that one day all children will get a chance to do something goodfor themselves and for their own country.”
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Why we do
Sahaya aspires to provide each child with:
A strong educational foundation in English,Maths and basic computer knowledge. A good time where children learn with joy. Tools that they can use to create a future livelihood for themselves and prepare them for life. Sahaya encourages children to dream but more importantly, aspires to empower them to deliver on their dreams. Many children get into their father's shoes very early. Let us all collectively try to make their future a brighter by providing resources to them.
Our Beliefs
Our values
What We Do
The SAHAYA is a non-profitable society with a mission to impact the lives of less privileged children, enabling them to maximize their potential and change their lives. Sahaya works primarily in the field of education.
For each children:
“Our dream is that one day all children will get a chance to do something good
for themselves and for their own country.”
A strong educational foundation in English,Maths and basic computer knowledge. A good time where children learn with joy. Tools that they can use to create a future livelihood for themselves and prepare them for life. Sahaya encourages children to dream but more importantly, aspires to empower them to deliver on their dreams.
Many children get into their father's shoes very early. Let us all collectively try to make their future a brighter by providing resources to them.
For every Child
Schools we take up
Methodologies and curriculum
Situation Analysis
The future of India depends upon the quality of education imparted to our children. There are 43,447 Government Primary Schools and 3,029 Government High Schools in the state of AndhraPradesh. Though the Government has initiated several programmes to ensure quality education free of cost, the schools in the villages and even the cities are crippled with poor infrastructural facilities, poor supply of Mid-day meals, inadequate teachers and neglect of quality in teaching. We believe the onus of change lies primarily with the Govt. but we realize that given the current scenario, intervention by concerned citizen groups can make a significant positive impact on the system.
With the introduction of the School Adoption' programme in 2008, concrete interventions by individuals or groups are being recognized and initiated as an integral part of the development of Govt. schools. A significant amount of time, capital and efforts are invested to get such programmes operational but a lack of structured implementation makes them unsustainable even in the medium term. In most cases, providing resources to a school is the only step implemented. There is no further involvement of the group in either monitoring these initiatives or evaluating their results, thus rendering these interventions absolutely ineffective in the long term. This scenario led us to the model that aims at providing the government school interventions multi-sectoral advantages and initiates the growth of volunteering that would eventually make these interventions viable and sustainable.
Sahaya encourages individuals to take what Sahaya has developed and start similar education centers in other schools. A step-by-step manual ‘Starting A New Sahaya Center’ is available to anyone who would like to have his or her own center.Sahaya is working on a program that will actively train social entrepreneurs to set up Sahaya-type projects.
Ever wondered how to make the difference you've always wanted to make? Look no further! We give you the syllabus; we give you the training and we put you where you are needed most! All we need from you is JUST two hours a week! Come join the ranks as a SAHAYA volunteer and be the difference that you wish to see in the world.
Sahaya History
The implementation of this simple idea was slightly more complex. Principal of the Government school MEDAK opened his doors and the sahaya activates had found its first space.
The next challenge was to grab students presence towards us and make them understand how important education in their life at present generation for the survival. And for this we made ourselves drop to their standards to make them understand easily.
The truth was that we didn't really know exactly what we were doing. What we knew was that we wanted to make a difference, that we believed that every child deserved a space and time each day where they could just be children. So we motivated few of our classmates and selected them as volunteers, convincing them that "together we can make a difference."
With volunteers, children’s in Govt School, the next question became what to teach. The volunteers met on one day and thought of all the issues and troubles they faced when they were in school. The first very basic program emerged from these meetings - carrier guidance, general awareness and fun filled education. The aim - a good time for the children - was clear. A good time that would make a difference.
So we started. There were days when volunteers asked, "but you said we were going to make a difference. What difference are we making?" And other days where we just knew that one day it would make a difference.
For each children
1. A strong educational foundation in English and Math
2. A sense of self-esteem and values
3. A good time where children learn with joy, both in and out of the classroom
4. Tools that they can use to create a future livelihood for themselves and prepare them for life.
Sahaya encourages children to dream but more importantly, aspires to empower them to deliver on their dreams.
School Project
The Sahaya Project represents to work within the formal school system. It is an effort by Sahaya to extend its activities in the field of education, leveraging our experiences with less privileged children to improve the quality of learning in Municipal and Private Aided Schools. Specifically, we hope to provide inputs in the fields of teaching, extra-curricular activities and community support that will significantly enhance the learning opportunities for children in formal schools.
The Sahaya Project has the following objectives:
• We believe that each individual is precious, unique and a reservoir of resources. We endeavour to provide opportunities which will enable a large number of children to reach their full potential in the areas of social, emotional, intellectual, physical growth based on Indian ethos and values.
Key focus areas
The Sahaya School Project will focus its efforts on four key areas:
• Improve the quality of learning in the schools by bringing in new teaching methodologies while adhering to the current school curriculum.
• Introduce extra-curricular activities with enhanced curriculum to supplement classroom learning and provide opportunities for children to develop holistically.
A perfect plan is worked out for each school based on their specific requirements, but the list below gives examples of Sahaya’s activities.
• Extra-curricular support
• Art/Craft, Dance/Drama and PT/Sports programs
• Educational outings for the children of the school
• Annual day function by the school children
• Educational inputs
• English study classes for children in classes 8th, 9th and 10th across all mediums.
• Computer classes
Event 1:
So, what does Independence mean to the younger generation? What do they believe they can do for the betterment of the country? To get an answer to these questions, we organized an essay writing and drawing competition for kids in 3 schools that we have adopted.
Event 2:
Health awareness Camp:
Date: August 15th Class: 10th Venue: ZPHS, KUKATPALLY.
Key activities:
1.Common illness and precautions
2.Hand washing
3.Proper nail cutting
4.Usage of tooth brush, Proper bathing and wearing of washed and tidy cloths
5.Precautions that need to be taken when effected with fever, cold and cough.
6.Proper sanitation.
7.Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Food Safety, Hygiene, Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol.
The camp will be proceeded with Dr. Madhu varanasi, General Physician under vision.
General Awareness

This program aims to first instruct students on aspects of health and hygiene, sanitation, nutrition and disease education. It then moves on to cover environmental hygiene, first aid and basic illnesses, accidents, and drugs and alcohol.
>>(click here to view more)

We also give them carrier guidance which involves in let know what
course to join after their 10 class and suggest them the best carrier in
the field they are interested in.
>>(Click here to view more)


The main objectives of this program are to educate children about their immediate environment and impart knowledge about the eco-systems, their inter-dependence and their need for survival, through visits and demonstrations and to mobilize youngsters by instilling in them the spirit of scientific inquiry into environmental problems and involving them in the efforts of environmental preservation.
>>(Click here to view more)

Sahaya Art world aims at developing observation, perception and creative potential through an art curriculum that includes the basics of drawing, painting, traditional Indian art forms and craft activities. At Art Class, groups of children meet in a fun and laughter-filled environment to produce artwork for handmade greeting cards, bags, paintings, and other items.
Science and Fair
Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge based on scientific method, as well as to the organized body of knowledge gained through such research. This article focuses on the more restricted use of the word. Science as discussed in this article is sometimes termed experimental science to differentiate it from applied science, the application of scientific research to specific human needs — though the two are often interconnected.
Coming to science fair generally a competition where contestants present their science project results in the form of a report, display board, and models that they have created. Science fairs allow students in grade schools and high schools to compete in science and/or technology activities.
Some people pointed to the primary school experience as one factor which may actually discourage students from taking further interest in the sciences. They place too much focus on competition, a charge which science fair supporters answer by pointing to the real life competitive nature of awarding scientific grants and even the Nobel Prize.
Often, prizes in science fairs do not go to the best science, but to technology that is currently fashionable (green technology or health-related projects, for example). Judges often over-compensate for the possibility of parental involvement and downgrade advanced students who do work beyond what most of their peers are capable of.
The main idea behind this concept was to bring out the some of the factors which could help the students in a different situations. They are
These considerations can hopefully serve as a starting point for SAHAYA who are considering setting up a science fair, or thinking of having their students participate in a science fair competition.
Sports Education for children
Sport education is useful for children by these ways
• Improve physical fitness
• Improve confidence through learning skills and success
• Help children to learn to control their impulses - this is necessary for success in sport as well as social relationships
• Help build friendships
• Start lifetime interests
• Help children learn about rules and fair play
• Help children to cope with winning and losing
• Help children do better at school work.
Personality Development
Sahaya teaches them the basics of positive thinking, how to improve their communication skills and confidence levels. We have more games which are inclined towards improving their performance levels in exams and personality development. Goal setting and goal distinction based on their interests.
Sahaya teaches children to improve not only the cofidence level of the students by conducting some games which improve their communication skills and presentation skills also these classes will help them to know the world. We have some other classes which increase their maturity level required for their age limits towards the worldly things like what are things that should be given importance and what not to be.
Personality development program will improve their way of thinking , give them the right boost up for going ahead in their life's with the appropriate perception towards their further studies and future planing's for their life's making them good and better citizens of India. Clear goals set and clarity in future work from now.
Computer Classes
Getting Started
If you can't start a project on your own, you can help in many other ways. Help by joining a Editorial team, planning committee to develop the programmes that we use to advance our cause. You can also help with a material or financial donation. See the support page to see how you can help.
Meet Up—Find people willing to work together to produce positive change. Anybody can get involved - men and women, people of any profession, and any age.Search—Find a nearby School that needs our help. Assess need of teaching man power and start growing more people to our cause.
Initiate—Get in the community, make some friends, and begin a dialogue. Find out what they reqired and what those kids need to be tought and considering a plan of action.
Share—Collaborate with teams across the our community using blogs, orkut community, or just pick up the phone. Share your experience, successes and failures - we can all learn from each other.
Grow—Collect funds and recruit more people to our cause. It doesn't require tremendous amounts of funding or a large group of people. All it requires is a few hours of time and a little bit of compassion - the rest will come on its own.
Join the Movement
History has shown us time and again that ordinary people who are willing to reach for the stars can effect great change.
SAHAYA is a group of ordinary people who think big. We envision a world - not so far in the future - where everyone has a chance. We believe that we can be a part of making that world a reality.
Are you ready to alter the course of history?
Register to Join
Do you want to make a difference by joining us at Sahaya? Click below and you will be taken to a page where you can tell us a bit about yourself and register to join! We can't wait to have you on board!Manifesto
The SAHAYA Society is a non-profitable society with a mission to impact the lives of less privileged children, enabling them to maximize their potential and change their lives. Sahaya works primarily in the field of education.
Sahaya aspires to provide each child with:"Our dream is that one day all children will get a chance to do something good for themselves and for their own country."
A strong educational foundation in English, life skills and basic computer knowledge. A good time where children learn with joy. Tools that they can use to create a future livelihood for themselves and prepare them for life. Sahaya encourages children to dream but more importantly, aspires to empower them to deliver on their dreams.
We try to empower these children with English, Computer knowledge and other necessary life skills to help them succeed in life and harness their true potential.
After Std X, the curriculum is in English. They are unable to cope and therefore do not pursue their studies. The apparent pointlessness of studying till STD X causes students to drop out in lower classes. They are not prepared in vital areas like communication skills, basic computer awareness etc.
We solve this problem by teaching them English, computer skills and life skills so that by STD X, they are ready to move to English medium and prevent drop outs. In addition to this we organize personality development camps and vocational training for our children.
We want to bring about a situation where all children can select a career based on their aspirations and potential rather than on their financial situation.